Read and follow the steps in the Chapter: “Dismantling and Disentangling form Heterosexism and Homophobia.” Do each exercise and discuss thoroughly what arises within each person. What are the points of resistance? What are the “Ahas?” What are the points of personal connection?
Reflections, reactions, reticence, and relishing.
Wrap up the session by considering what each participant feels called to pursue.
Close in Prayer.
Additional Resources:
The following videos provide helpful insights into LGBTQ+ issues, terminology, and issues:
"Trans 101: The Basics."YouTube video featuring transgender persons explaining what it means to be transgender.
"Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity." Simple format discusses various aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity prepared for clinicians and medical practitioners.
"Overcoming Religious Sexual Shame." Article in Psychology, 2017, about the psychological effects of restrictive religious teachings regarding sexuality.
Articles to download and read:
"Homosexuality and the Bible." Biblical scholar Walter Wink examines closely the passages most often pulled from the Bible to justify discrimination against gender-nonconforming persons.